In 2012, it is estimated that 88.1 percent of United States Internet users over the age of 14 will research or look for products using the web. In the year 2011, eCommerce sales went past the $200 billion mark. Whether your business is trying to find Internet marketing to boost your online sales or you are looking for hosting to place your web site, it is vital that you find a dependable provider. Search engine optimization, also known as Seo, is one type of marketing that can get you seen regularly on search engines, provided you have hosting that is reliable enough for your site to always be accessible. Leads from search engine optimization have a close rate of 14.6 percent , much higher than outbound leads, which only have a 1.7 percent close rate.
Projections show that online commerce will only grow as time goes on. Forrester Research reports that by 2016 online sales will represent 9 percent of overall retail sales. A business that is equipped with the proper hosting will be able to ensure that they have a site that their clients can browse readily so that they can find the information that they need to have to feel confident about the business that they want to do with your company. There are several concerns to think about when trying to locate hosting that is suitable for your needs.
One of the most important aspects of finding good hosting is looking for providers that can meet your bandwidth requirements. The amount of space that you require for hosting will vary based on what sort of business you are and what kind of site you require. For example, large distributors that sell to many businesses in different locations may need to have a big site with a thorough eCommerce platform that is easy to use. On the other hand, a local restaurant may only need a small site that has some information and just a few pictures of the restaurant and menu.
After you have been able to find a business to give you the kind of space you need for your web site, ensure that you determine exactly what sort of services you will be getting from them. Get an agreement that you can both refer to if there are questions about the hosting you get. A great host will help you get as much return as possible on the investment that you make into your online presence.